13 weeks

This week sucks, boo.

I mean, thirteen weeks is sort of a milestone.  But with our NT scan and our announcement last week I've felt like I've been in second trimester all week...even though mathematically it begins in three more days. I'm a third of the way til 39 weeks and a lot of babies come at 39 weeks, right?  Anyway by next week's check in there will be no doubt about it.  First trimester will be OVER.  The way things are going it's looking like I will be one of the lucky ten percent of women who got NO MORNING SICKNESS at all during their first trimester.

Statistics are funny though.  I also happen to be in the unlucky ONE PERCENT of women who get diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma.  Last Friday at the NT scan they told me I was on pelvic rest and I took that direction very seriously.  This past Friday I had a routine pap smear and pelvic exam and inquired about when I could resume normal activity.  I'll save you the TMI but she said I was free to "have fun" as long as it wasn't, you know, all the way. Long story short: I did.  I bled.  I'm now on full pelvic rest until 20 weeks.

I know it seems like a stupid thing to be bummed about.  I have the rest of my natural life to "have fun" and only 26 more weeks of baking a baby. But I'm bummed nonetheless.  Seven weeks is a long time! And tonight I went to a party and starting cramping from standing up.  At this point I'm afraid of even further restrictions.  My doctor originally told me she would take me out of work if the bleeding worsened.  I thought the second trimester meant less worry?

How Far Along: 13 weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still no weight gain (down 11 pounds since retrieval)
Workouts: Not happening right now unfortunately - I get crampy just standing
Maternity Clothes: Just my lovely Old Navy maternity tank underneath things
Gender: We will find out February 1st!
Movement: Not yet
Sleep: Eh
What I miss: Not being on pelvic rest
Cravings: Not hungry
Symptoms: Spotting and cramping
Anxiety Level: Surprisingly not anxious - more pissed really
Best Moment this week: The Giants won!
Reading: Back to non pregnancy reads - currently Dies the Fire (it's awful but I love the genre)
Dad is: Reading pregnancy books and telling me not to eat kielbasa from the new polish deli, WTH?
At my appointment my NP also felt up my boobs and asked me if they've grown.  They haven't.  She proceeds to tell me that in her experience women who don't experience first trimester breast growth are not able to exclusively breast feed.  I've read a TON about pregnancy and I've never heard of that ever.  My internet friends tell me she's off her rocker.  As if I need more bad news this week.
Stay tuned for next week's installment of As The Pelvis Rests.  Hopefully week 14 will be happier.


Pinky3Promise said...

Just wanted to check in with you to see how you're feeling lately? Hope all is well!!

Pinky3Promise said...

I've been worried sick about ya and checking here every everything OK? I have lots of resources if you need anything.

Wanda said...

Sorry! Lots of travel and general tiredness kept me from the blog. Posting an update now.

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