37 Weeks

I don't have a lot to write this week.  Or maybe I do, but I don't want to write it.

The week started out pretty crappy and then got unimaginably worse when my sister in law, my husband's only sibling, died suddenly at the age of 38.  We are devastated and in shock. I don't know what else to say about it. Life is really just cruel and unfair sometimes.  She leaves behind a husband and two small children.

For some reason I have an ominous feeling this pregnancy is nearing its end so I wanted to document Week 37, as shitty as it is.  I honestly want to be pregnant for at least two more weeks no matter how uncomfortable it gets just to put some mental distance between the two events.

How Far Along: 37 weeks.  I've reached "term" even though according to March of Dimes "full term" isn't until 39 weeks.  Oh well, close enough.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a winter melon, or, you know, the size of a six pound infant.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: No change.
Workouts: I think I overdid it walking around at a concert yesterday and now I'm miserable.
Maternity Clothes: Sure.
Gender: It's a boy!
Movement: All the friggen time.  He's clawing his way out.
Sleep: Fine when I'm not puking or peeing or anxious.
What I miss: .....
Cravings: Nothing.
Symptoms: Pain, pressure, general discomfort.
Anxiety Level: Can't even go there this week.
Best Moment this week: .....
Reading: ....
Dad is: ......

In other news, I have a job interview on Wednesday.  Yeah, at 37 weeks, 2 days.  As I mentioned before, I knew it was a possibility but it seems a little crazy at this point.  On the one hand, I pretty much loathe my job lately and I'm anxious for a change/salary boost.  On the other hand, I don't know how it would work out even if I did get the job.  I know I wouldn't be able to take the 18 weeks off I currently have planned, but would they let me take 12?  Anything less than that I would feel pretty guilty.  So here goes nothing I guess.

I'm also dumping my OB's office.  Or trying to anyway.  Stay tuned for news about this.  It is another reason why I don't want to go into labor anytime soon.  I need to straighten this mess out and soon.

But, in happier news, my tiny cat loves the new infant seat.


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