Benjamin - Four Months Old

Benjamin is four months old and we already lost two of his monthly photo blocks. Oddly enough, the "O" and the "H."


I swear someone is messing with me. I looked EVERYWHERE. I could just go to Homegoods and buy some new blocks, but seeing as I am back to work and Benjamin actually turned four months old three days ago that may be a little TOO MUCH TO ASK OF ME RIGHT NOW.  

Weight and other stats: My big boy is fourteen pounds and two ounces, now in the fifteenth percentile! He is twenty five inches long, which I think is in the twenty second percentile. He still has a big head.

Size: He's still in size 2 diapers and all of the newborn stuff (even crazy Target) has been put away or loaned out.  Most of the 0-3 too.  There are a few "3 month" things that work but he's mostly wearing 3-6 month stuff now.  The other day he wore a Six Month jacket and I got a little weepy.  I'm not sure why I keep buying clothes he will only wear for like a week but it's hard to stop.  Old Navy had a 40% baby sale.  Much cuteness resulted.

Eating: Still pretty consistent, though I'd love to reduce the nighttime feeding.  I bring three 5 ounce bottles of breast milk to daycare and he usually drinks all or most of it.  If he doesn't finish his last bottle by 5 it's usually gone by 6 p.m. before he goes to bed.  Plus his morning bottle (5 oz) he SHOULD only need one nighttime feed but I swear he wants to eat every time he wakes up.  We try and try to find other ways to soothe him.  It's hard. He drinks 8+ ounces between midnight and seven no matter how much he drank during the day. He still gets some formula in addition to the milk I pump.

Sleeping: It's the worst it's ever been!  He pretty much stopped the magical seven hour stretches he was giving us.  Now we're lucky if his first stretch of sleep is four hours. Last night it was only two! We transitioned him out of his Miracle Blanket and into a Magical Sleep Suit.  Save your $40 because it is NOT magic. He's now sleeping in his Pack and Play instead of his Rock N Play.  We wedge it in between my husband's bathroom and the closet so he has his own little alcove, much to the dismay of our younger cat who likes to sleep in the closet. I am sleeping more soundly now that he's not three inches away but the downside is I actually have to get out of bed to try and soothe him. He still goes to bed between 6 and 6:30 and woe to the person who tries to mess with that.

Being back at work was awesome at first.  My first day back I got a call about a second interview and had that in the middle of my third day back. I really thought I hit it out of the park.  Since then I've been a giant ball of nerves waiting to hear back.

Benjamin is doing well in daycare.  His teachers are really nice.  He seems to be quite popular over there and I know they're taking good care of him.  We walk to work together every morning and I go and visit him around lunchtime.  I'm pretty happy with the arrangement thus far.

Developmentally, I don't know.  Benjamin rolled over.  And then stopped.  Benjamin laughed.  Once.  I guess this happens with kids but it's pretty stressful reading about other kid's milestones so I'm just going to skip that part so as to not pass my anxiety on to other parents.  I'm sure your four month old is fine.  Stop googling!