Benjamin - Five Months Old

Benjamin is five months old!  Actually he's just about 5 and a half months old but since his four month post I started a brand new job and entered into a contract with a really old house! So much excitement and so much paranoia about new job Internet monitoring means little time to blog.  But we are doing awesome.

In the beginning of the month I weaned from the breast pump.  I was hoping to exclusively pump for six months until Benjamin could get his flu shot but it just got too hard to handle pumping and everything else all at once.  I'm happy that I made it as long as I did though and that Benjamin got five months of breast milk.  And not having to wake up and try to wrangle an increasingly animated baby whilst pumping breast milk and prepping his bottles every morning is a nice change.  Now I just show up with three empty bottles because formula comes free with our day care tuition.

I found the O and the H blocks.  Or H found them.  They were just underneath some clothes so that shows you how disorganized we are.  I'm looking forward to a fresh new start in the new house.  So much room to organize!

Weight and Other Stats: I don't know.  There's no five month appointment.  Maybe he's 15 pounds?  I think he's HUGE!

Size: Still in Size 2 diapers and clothes are sort of all over the map.  Some three month onesies still fit but he fits best in nine to twelve month pants.  Maybe he'll have long legs like me?

Eating: I don't really know since I don't send breast milk anymore but even when I did day care usually was giving him a fourth bottle right when I was picking him up.  He never eats four times in eight and a half hours when he's with me but he also doesn't really nap for them. I'm over it.  On the weekends he eats his regular 24-28 ounces and seems satisfied.  We started solids two weeks ago, right after five months, but it is going incredibly slowly.  Benjamin is disinterested in purees and bananas made me freak out and rip it out of his mouth.  BLW fail.

Sleeping: Much better!  We went back to the swaddle for a while but now we are firmly with the Magic Sleep Suit and he is doing okay.  He goes down religiously at 6 pm, so only about thirty minutes after we get home and will sleep until around midnight or 1 a.m.  If we're lucky he will go back down until 5 a.m. after that but then can be "pacified" until after 7.  DH and I trade off nights which is the best system ever.  Even if you have a terrible night you know you can sleep a solid twelve hours the next night if need be.

Benjamin loves sitting up.  He can't really do it for any sustained period of time but he looks so proud of himself when I put him on the couch and just let him be...until he falls over.

Just this week he has started developing a touch of separation anxiety which is pretty sad.  I wasn't expecting that for a while but he got so upset playing Hide N Seek with H and kept looking at the door when I was in and out of the bathroom drying my hair.

He loves music and will shake a rattle to a tune if encouraged.  He's been in Music Together for two months now and I think it's paying off.

Life is good.