6 Weeks

This was a pretty good week because we got to see a healthy pregnancy confirmed on the ultrasound Monday.  I got my favorite nurse for the appointment and when she asked me how I was I said "apparently pregnant."  She thought I was crazy for not really believing I was pregnant but a) I don't really feel any different and b) I'm a little jaded from having my empty uterus scanned so many times.

Beside from confirming that, yes, I am actually pregnant, the ultrasound answered another important question: two babies on board or one?  We transferred two embryos to increase the likelihood of success but we were both a little intimidated by the idea of twins.

The verdict is..........


Cue huge sigh of relief.  The nurse said there is still a tiny chance that one pregnancy is "hiding" and we'll see it next week but I'm pretty certain just one of our rock star embryos stuck around.  The cats will be thankful our household will continue to have more tiny felines than tiny humans.

I'm not sure what the right word is for what we saw - it's too early to even be considered a fetus.  For the time being we are calling the pregnancy Gizmo.  One gestational sac.  One yolk sac. The nurse was unable to find a heartbeat at first but eventually located the fetal pole and saw it flickering a bit.

Gizmo was measuring 5 weeks 5-6 days when I was really 6 weeks but they assured me there was nothing to worry about. By this coming Monday (weeks) I should b able to hear the heartbeat.

How Far Along: 6 weeks, 4 days.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a sweet pea.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Down 10 lbs from day of retrieval, woot woot.
Workouts: None, sigh.
Maternity Clothes: Nope.
Gender: Who knows.
Movement: Not yet.
Sleep: Good, early to bed.
What I miss: Nothing.
Cravings: Nope, not hungry.
Symptoms: None at all
Anxiety Level: Holding steady at 1-2.
Best Moment this week: Seeing Gizmo on the ultrasound.
Reading: You Having a Baby (interesting book I found at the library).
Dad is: Busy at work.
Overall I'm doing pretty great this week.  H told his parents the news yesterday and they are ecstatic. We'll start telling more family at Thanksgiving (10 weeks).

5 Weeks

This week has been super fun because I went on two mini-vacations.  The whole pregnancy thing has been a definite bonus, even though I barely have any symptoms.  It makes me happy to go to bed at night (early) and wake up one more day pregnant.  I'm not sure it will feel "real" until I see the ultrasound on Monday but I'm just staying positive in the meantime.

Yesterday marked eight months until the baby gets here, which all of a sudden seems really soon. Whatever happened to those women who claimed pregnancy was ten months?  I just got started and have less than eight months to go!

On Friday, H and I went out of town to see two shows by our favorite band.  We're kinda groupies.  Between the two of us I think we've seen 110+ of this band's shows. We also stopped by my alma mater and the football team actually won so that was awesome.  They usually only win one game a year so I'm glad we caught it.

 Sunday I flew to Ft. Lauderdale for some fun in the sun.  I had wanted to get away for a while and had a free flight to use but it was hard to schedule with all the fertility treatments.  It was so relaxing to sit by the pool and read.  My hotel room had an awesome king sized bed and soaking tub that I enjoyed.  I got home last night feeling totally refreshed.

I had taken a normal (clothes on) 5 week shot because it has been years since I've allowed myself to be photographed in a bathing suit - much less shared it with the Internet - but I decided to share this one instead, realizing this may be as good as I look for the foreseeable future (tear).

How Far Along: 5 weeks, 3 days.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a appleseed.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Down 9 lbs from day of retrieval.
Workouts: I swam a lot on vacation but nothing formal.
Maternity Clothes: Nope.
Gender: Who knows.
Movement: Not yet.
Sleep: Awesome.
What I miss: Two times this week I was at restaurants where seared tuna was the best thing on the menu.  Oh well.
Cravings: I don't want to eat anything.  I can drink milk though.  Soups are good.
Symptoms: Nada.
Anxiety Level: A little bit on the plane on the way back but other than that, pretty much zero.
Best Moment this week: Lounging by the pool in Ft. Lauderdale.
Reading: What to Expect When You're Expecting (pretty good).
Dad is: Making sure we have healthy foods to eat.

4 Weeks

Oh hai, I'm blogging again.  A million years ago when I was in third grade, my English teacher told me to keep a notebook on me at all times because she could tell I was going to be a writer one day.  I've been an underachieving aspiring writer ever since.  In addition to incomplete novels, I have started and abandoned more blogs than Elizabeth Taylor has marriages.  But now that I'm pregnant (hurray!) I will have at least nine months of material to blog about - provided all goes well.

One of my main goals of this pregnancy is to keep healthy and manage my anxiety symptoms.  I know it's going to be tough starting out a pregnancy being overweight and suffering from GAD but I hope writing about my journey will keep me accountable.

To that end, I have tweaked the standard weekly pregnancy check in to fit my needs.  I omitted some stuff that I didn't want ("wedding rings on or off?" - who cares? and "libido?" - none of your business) and added a list of workouts, anxiety level and recent reads (I'm a book junkie).
How Far Along: 4 weeks, 1 day
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a poppyseed
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Down 5 lbs from day of retrieval
Workouts: 0
Maternity Clothes: Nope
Gender: Who knows
Movement: Not yet
Sleep: Good, I'm tired a lot
What I miss: Nothing.
Cravings: Not particuarly hungry but sometimes milk
Symptoms: Weird pain in my side when I sneeze or yawn
Anxiety Level: Mostly a 1, except when I got lost (4ish).
Best Moment this week: Getting my BFP!
Reading: Your Pregnancy Week by Week (yawn) and the Mayo Clinic's Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy (okay)
Dad is: Excited