I'm wearing the same dress in this picture as I wore in my 21 week picture. Gosh, I barely look pregnant then. Thirteen more weeks, really? Really? My tights no longer fit. I bought two pairs of maternity tights but can't find either of them. I have no idea what to wear to work tomorrow because both my single pair of maternity pants (which I hate) and my lone pair of black pants that fit are in the wash. Is 27 weeks too early to say fuck it and come in wearing jeans?
In other semi-related news, I am SO OVER my job. Some total crap has been going down lately and I've decided it's not someplace I want to be long term. I've sent out a few resumes (six months pregnant mind you) and have made it my resolve not to return there after Gizmo is born. Wish me luck. I'm pretty sure I will end up taking that long maternity leave I posted about, even though I recently was thinking of only taking around 12 weeks.
How Far Along: 27 weeks.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a head of rutabaga? These things are annoying.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up another two pounds this week so I'm two above pre-IVF weight. I feel heavier though so I think those pounds are staying put.Size of baby: Baby is the size of a head of rutabaga? These things are annoying.
Workouts: Just multiple trips to the bathroom.
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much all the time when I go out in public. At home I can still wear tanks and yoga pants.
Gender: It's a boy!
Movement: OMG I felt my first foot last night. H felt it too. Gizmo was trying to break out!
Sleep: Fine.
What I miss: Not having reflux at night.
What I miss: Not having reflux at night.
Cravings: None.
Symptoms: Reflux!

Best Moment this week: Feeling Gizmo's foot!
Reading: I finally finished A Discovery of Witches. It actually got much better at the end. I hate the romance parts but the Scooby Doo gang parts and the witchery stuff is cool. Now I'm onto some library books, including Instinctive Parenting: Trusting Ourselves to Raise Good Kids.
Dad is: Busy busy.
Our older cat loves the Best Chair. Now that he got over the initial shock that it moves when he jumps onto it, he spends several hours a day sleeping in it. I don't know how he's going to react once he realizes I am going to need the chair for when the baby comes.
Other than sticking the furniture in the office we haven't done much to set up Gizmo's space. Still need to figure out how to arrange everything, touch up the paint and hang some art. I still like to sit in the chair and open and close the drawers where our clothing stash is now kept.
This past weekend I braved the St. Patrick's Day parade. It was fun, even if I spent half of the afternoon waiting in line to pee at various bars. A few people insisted I skip them in line one time, which was nice, but having been drinking booze and needing to pee, I can safely say that being pregnant and having to go isn't as bad. Besides, playing the pregnancy card seems lame at six months when I voluntarily went to the parade.
The second week of birth class was good. I still haven't booked our prospective doula because she had a death in her family but will hopefully shore that up soon.
Coming up this week is a long weekend out of town with friends and some maternity photos!
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