10 Weeks

Oh wow, I've committed a huge belly shot faux paus.  I wore the same dress this week as I did in my four week photo, but, oh well, I only have so many dresses.  As you can see, I look pretty much the same.  I don't know what I'm going to do as I actually develop a bump.  I'm not sure that the lighting of my current location will actually show a small difference in appearance.  DH doesn't have SO much patience with me as I plan these shots and I suck at self portraits.  Maybe I can start standing sideways?  We shall see.

How Far Along: 10 weeks, 2 days (picture taken at 10 weeks)
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a prune which seems smaller than an olive but I don't make the rules
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still down 9-10 pounds from retrieval day though I haven't checked in two days
Workouts: Ha, no, I can barely move this week
Maternity Clothes: Not yet
Gender: Who knows
Movement: Not yet
Sleep: All the time
What I miss: Being able to take hard core cold meds
Cravings: Last night even though I felt like dying I stopped and bought carrot cake on the way home
Symptoms: Just peeing
Anxiety Level: Elevated a little due to killer cold
Best Moment this week: Reaching the double digit milestone
Reading: Nothing pregnancy related
Dad is: Responsible for giving me the killer cold
In pregnancy news, yawn, nothing is new.  No appointments this week - the first that has happened since my 5th week when I was in Florida. I reached 10 weeks which seems legitimately pregnant.  Double digits!  But this week (or at least the past couple of days) has sucked because I've had the Cold of Death.  I could barely drag myself out of bed yesterday but I had a court appearance that I couldn't skip so I made myself show up.
I was worried to take anything for the cold since it's still the first trimester but the nurse I called gave me the go ahead to take Sudafed.  It wasn't the wonder cure DH got to take for his cold but as of today I feel a lot better.  Luckily I don't have to go back to work until Monday.  We're leaving town in a few hours to see both of our families for Thanksgiving.  I'm looking forward to telling some more relatives about the pregnancy and eating delicious food.


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