I really wish I could bottle this week of pregnancy so that I could revisit it anytime I want. I have this adorable (to me anyway) bump that I used to envy every time I saw another woman sport. And I feel pretty good. Of course, walking long distances and standing for lengths of time are not in my future, but I'm trying to not let it cramp my style.
I ordered a belly support belt to see if that helps take some pressure off my abdomen. Walking around NYC this weekend was MURDER. We checked out way too expensive baby boutiques and fell in love with the Uppa Baby Vista stroller. We saw our favorite band play two more times and hung out with friends of ours. Gizmo has officially been to 15 shows in his gestational period.
Yes, that's right. His! It's a boy!!! We had our gender reveal party on Sunday and it was so much fun. My mom went pretty crazy with ideas gleaned from Pinterest. We show up and the back steps are adorned with pink and blue balloons. Since it was Super Bowl Sunday she had made a sign saying "Welcome to the Last Name Bowl." Inside she had hung two lines of baby clothes - girly and boyish - and had a sign where people could pick their teams (boy or girl) on pink and blue football helmets.
We had seen the baby on Friday at our anatomy scan but for some reason H and I were convinced it was a girl and spent the whole weekend looking at girl clothes and coming up with girl names. I know it sounds silly but I was SHOCKED when the inside of the cake was blue. But happy! I love my little boy!
How Far Along: 21 weeks, 1 day (picture taken at 21 weeks).
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a pomegranate. Isn't a pomegranate way smaller than other things I've been?
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still at pre-IVF weight which is 5 pounds less than the day of my IVF retrieval but 5 pounds more than I was on the day of my BFP.
Workouts: I walked seven miles in one day in NYC but it wasn't on purpose and it hurt.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, got some new Target maternity pants which I love. Pre-pregnancy wrap dresses are still my work staple.
Gender: It's a boy!
Movement: A little more this week and a bunch at the concerts. Gizmo either loves or hates loud music.
Sleep: Other than the peeing it's okay.
What I miss: Not being tired all the time. I just switched vitamins so now I'm taking the ones with iron (that made me constipated) and hopefully that will help a bit.
Cravings: Nada.
Symptoms: Some kicks here and there. Still subtle.
Anxiety Level: Much better than last week.
Best Moment this week: Our anatomy scan and finding out it's a boy!
Reading: Still on A Discovery of Witches but I've made little progress.
Dad is: Getting more interviews and callbacks!
So the anatomy scan was great. A tad stressful because we let a student do the bulk of it and it took her forever to get the measurements and we nearly missed H's grandmother's funeral because of that, but it was so exciting to see an active healthy Gizmo! I don't know how the rest of pregnancy goes but it may have been the last time I'll see him before he's in my arms.
I have a few funny stories about meeting with the NP after the scan. This is the same gal who had previously told me that while intercourse was off the table I was free to "do other things." Then when that didn't work out, she told me to abstain for two weeks even though the nurse I had spoken to said to abstain until my anatomy scan (we ended up splitting the difference of those two advices). So me and her have spoken several times about sex. But this time H was in the room.
NP: So the hematoma has cleared up so you can resume doing that thing we talked about.
Me: Um, do you mean sex?
LOL lady. Do you think if there were a medical reason that I couldn't have sex for 9 weeks I would have maybe mentioned it to my husband? No need for euphemisms! Then...
NP: Your weight has stayed pretty consistent, but it's nothing to be concerned about.
Me: I know, because I'm already heavy.
NP: I wasn't going to say that.
Me: Huh?
NP: I just meant that since your baby is measuring one pound already we don't have to worry about you not gaining weight.
Is she just really shy? I mean, I am heavy, why not talk about it? I'm glad she doesn't deliver babies because she'd probably be all "well your baby is in the you know where so if you want to maybe think about pushing that's okay, but no pressure."
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